Winfield Healthcare
Winfield Healthcare
1108 E. Loop 304
Crockett, TX 75835
Main Phone: (936) 544-0150
Admissions: (936) 544-0150
Main Fax: (936) 546-2929
Our staff understands that choosing a health care facility is a new experience for our patients and their families and we are sensitive to the importance of helping new patients feel welcome and at home. Patients and their families are included in the important decision-making process of care planning. And we encourage patients to pursue interests, and activities that encourage a meaningful, fulfilling lifestyle.
Our team of health care professionals is led by a licensed administrator and includes our medical director, consultant pharmacist and consultant dietician. From the director of nurses and our rehabilitation staff, to the activity director and social worker, our staff works to address the special needs of each patient.
Our rehabilitation unit features a separate focus. Our fully-equipped, rehabilitation gym is staffed by physical therapists, occupational therapists and speech therapists. While many of our patients are able to return home, our goal is to get every patient functioning at their highest level and capability.
We are dedicated to our patient's long term health care needs and stand ready to answer any questions you might have. Together we can provide the quality care and lifestyle our patients deserve.
Our Services
24-hour Skilled Nursing and Intermediate Care
Under the direction of our medical director, Avalon Place provides 24 hour per day nursing service, with consultations from a registered pharmacist and registered dietician.
Rehabilitation Services
The physical therapists, occupational therapists and speech therapists help patients regain and maintain their functional capacity.
Wound Care Program
Our wound care program is designed to address the risk factors associated with skin breakdown common to the elderly. Staff has been specially trained to recognize and treat skin breakdown.
Respite/Vacation Program
Respite, or vacation care is a short term stay with a three-day minimum. Room, board and nursing care are included.
Rehabilitative Care Addresses
* Post Stroke Program
* Post Total Joint Replacement
* Specialized Skin & Wound Care
* IV Therapy
* Pain Management
* Dementia Related Programming
* Cognitive & Perceptual Retraining
* Podiatry Services
(c) 2005 Southwest LTC
