Willis Nursing & Rehabilitation, L.P.
Willis Nursing & Rehabilitation, L.P.
3000 North Danville Road
Willis, Texas 77378
Phone: (936) 856-4312
Fax: (936) 856-4364
Willis Nursing & Rehabilitation is licensed to care for 114 residents. The facility is certified to accept Medicare, Medicaid, Private Pay, and Insurance residents.
There are seven nursing homes in Montgomery County, of which Willis Nursing & Rehabilitation is currently ranked among the top two by the Texas Department of Human Services.
We offer the following services:
- Skilled Nursing
- Long Term Care
- Hospice
- Respite Care
- IV Therapy
- Ostomy Care
- Wound Care
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Speech Therapy
The facility also offers an active resident council program.
We are prepared to meet each resident's ever changing health needs whether the stay is short term or long term. Our staff is prepared to provide our residents with a complete continuum of care that promotes quality of life. Please stop by and visit with us.
2002-2006 Daybreak Venture, L.L.C. All rights reserved.
