Seven Oaks Nursing Home
Seven Oaks Nursing Home
1402 W. Elm
Olney, TX 76374
Seven Oaks Nursing Home has a tradition of excellent service. At Seven Oaks, experienced therapists and professional nursing staff work as a team to develop personalized treatment plans. Comprehensive evaluations and use of innovative treatment techniques help individuals achieve optimal levels of independence.
Elder specific programs are designed to promote the development of functional skills. A true interdisciplinary approach is utilized to involve all care providers in identifying and addressing individual needs.
At Seven Oaks, we take the time to explore all options available to help elders achieve the highest quality of life.
* Registered Occupational Therapists
* Reigstered Physcial Therapists
* Registered Speech Therapists
* Comprehensive Restorative Program
* Post Stroke Program
* Post Total Joint Replacement
* Speciliazed Skin and Wound Care
* Podiatry Services
* Dementia Related Programming
* Pain Management
* Specialiazed Dietary Services
* Social Events and Activites
* Beauty and Barber Shop on Grounds
* "The Oaks Wing" Exclusive Private Suites
Copyright 2008 © Seven Oaks Nursing Home, Olney, Texas
