Seabreeze Nursing & Rehabilitation, L.P.
Seabreeze Nursing & Rehabilitation, L.P.
6602 Memorial Drive
Texas City, Texas 77591
Phone: (409) 935-2451
Fax: (409) 938-0913
Seabreeze Nursing & Rehabilitation is fully licensed under State, Federal, and Local Laws. It is certified by Medicare and provides care for patients with Medicare or private insurance plans. Comprehensive physical rehabilitation services are provided on an inpatient basis by our qualified and caring Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapists. Respiratory Therapists are also on staff to address those residents who have pulmonary care needs.
While any patient who requires continuing care following hospitalization for an illness or surgery may benefit from the Skilled Nursing Facility, the following patients are most often treated here:
COPD-Pneumonia-Respiratory Insufficiency-Tracheotomy
Amputations-Hip Fractures-Joint Replacement-Cerebrovascular Diseases-Peripheral Vascular Disorders
Cancer-Cellulites-Heart Failure-Nutritional & Metabolic Disorders
Services we offer include:
- Physical Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech Therapy
- IV Therapy
- Wound Care Management
- Wound Care Prevention
- Internal feeding management
- Wander Guard System
- Individual and Group Activities
- Laundry Service
Seabreeze Nursing and Rehabilitation has established several programs to ensure residents maintain their highest level of functioning.
Our restorative programs include:
- Walk & Dine-Exercise
- Group-Weight Management
- Monitored Dining
- Cognitive/Social Groups
We welcome the opportunity to take you on a tour to introduce you to our family.
2002-2006 Daybreak Venture, L.L.C. All rights reserved.
