Harbourview Care Center
Harbourview Care Center
300 Enterprise Avenue
League City, TX 77573
Tel: (281) 334-4243
Fax: (281) 334-8016
Harbourview Care Center opened in 1989 and is located in the South Shore Harbor area of League City, Tx. Harbourview Care Center is certified for Medicare and Medicaid as well as by Federal, State and local health Depts.
Harbourview Care Center is an established skilled nursing facility which has an excellent reputation for the quality of care provided to the residents. Harbourview Care Center provides quality services and specialized programs that sets us apart from our neighboring competitors.
Harbourview Care Center is the only facility in the area that offers the Eden Alternative Program.
No matter where we live, or how old we are, we should be able to enjoy the warm companionship of a dog, the satisfaction that comes from nurturing a seedling and the excitement of a child's laughter.
These beliefs have led us to the Eden Alternative.
that is just why we are an Eden Alternative facility. The core concept of the Eden Alternative is to change nursing homes from conventional hospital-like institutions into diverse environments where elders live in a more home-like atmosphere.
By adding plants, animals and children, nursing facility reflect normal life outside the facility. Residents interact with the children, for instance, reading to them and watching them play. Residents take part in seabrook kemah skin care sugar land licensed nursing services friendswood wound care harris county ulcers baytown daily living pearland tube feeding belair medical condition houston non weight bearing caring for the animals and the plants, including keeping pets and plants in their own rooms if they wish. All of this gives them a sense of purpose that is often lacking in a typical facility setting. The spontaneous nature of children and animals breaks up the staid routine of traditional nursing communities, making Edenized facilities vibrant and lively. The Eden Alternative helps give residents a reason to get out of bed - and out of their rooms - in the morning.
Harbourview care center has 217 beds (ICF, SNF, HOS, RHB, IV, AL) and provides several types of services such as: Medical & Specialized Services, Rehabilitation and Special Accommodations.
* Physical Therapy
* Occupational Therapy
* Dysphagia Treatment
* I.V. Therapy
* Tracheotomy Care
* Specialized Wound Care
* Pain Management
* 7 Days A Week RN Coverage
* Phisical Therapy
* Gait and Balance Training
* Muscle Re-Education
* Occupational Therarpy
* Speech Therapy
* Dysphagia Treatment
* Large private rooms/bathing-facility located in room
* Small private rooms/bathing-facility located in room
* Transportation to and from doctor visits
* Cable ready rooms
* Pet Companionship
* Laundry services
* Phone in Rooms
