Denton Rehabilitation and Nursing Center
Denton Rehabilitation and Nursing Center
2229 N. Carroll Blvd.
Denton, TX 76201
We seek to enable our residents to live as independently as possible, recognizing that the importance of freedom and dignity does not diminish with age.
Denton Rehabilitation & Nursing Center is a locally owned and operated skilled nursing facility that is licensed by the State of Texas and certified to participate in both the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Our core management team has worked together for years and has decades of experience providing compassionate healthcare to seniors.
We invite you to stop by and tour our beautiful community and meet our friendly staff. Please feel free to contact me, or our admissions coordinator with any questions. We will be happy to assist you in any way.
Skilled Nursing Services
Our team of Licensed and Registered Nurses are here 24 hours a day to provide nursing services according to your customized plan of care. Nursing services may include:
* Medication Administration
* Intravenous Therapy
* Wound Recovery Care
* Tracheotomy Care
* Post-Surgical Stabilization
* Pulmonary Management
* Nutritional Therapy
In addition, our staff will coordinate aspects of your care including:
* Assistance with Personal Care
* Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapies
* Proper Nutrition and Healthy Weight Maintenance
* Communication with your Primary Care Physician & Medical Specialists
* Referrals for Podiatry, Dentistry, Optometry, or Psychological Services
* Laboratory and X-Ray services
* Hospice, Respite and Palliative Care
Our staff uses the latest technology to document the care we provide so they have more time to spend with our residents.
Rehabilitation Services
Most of our residents come to Denton Rehabilitation & Nursing Center to recover from an accident or illness. Our goal is to send you home as quickly as possible, once you have regained your strength and can do so safely. Our interdisciplinary team will work with you to develop a comprehensive plan to help you regain your health and strength. Our rehabilitation professionals will work closely with your doctor and our nursing staff to help you achieve your goals.
Your rehab team will include:
* Your Attending Physician
* Your Medical Specialists
* Professional and Caring Nurses
* Physical Therapists
* Occupational Therapists
* Speech Therapists
* Social Worker
* Dietary Manager
* Nurses Aides
* Activities Director
Our facility has been designed to facilitate a full recovery after accident or injury. We have over 3,500 square feet of dedicated rehabilitation space which includes our two therapy gyms, and therapy courtyard.
Dining and Nutrition
We understand that healthy and flavorful meals will help speed your recovery and improve your well-being. You may choose to enjoy our main menu or one of the other nutritious options prepared daily. You will enjoy prompt table service with the option to host your family for Sunday or Holiday Dinner in a private setting.
Your dietary requirements will be prescribed by your physician, and all menus are approved by a registered dietitian. Special diets, such as diabetic and no added salt, are available. Modified meals are prepared for those with swallowing difficulties.
Social Services
Our full time licensed Social Worker meets with each resident upon admission. She will get to know you and your family, and will help you identify any social service needs you may have. She is qualified and experienced in providing advice and assistance with personal, emotional, social, financial and other needs and concerns.
Our Social Worker will also assist you with preparations to return home after your rehabilitation. She will arrange for home health care and any necessary medical equipment you may need when you return home. She can also help you locate support groups and refer you to legal and financial resources, if needed.
