Pecan Manor Nursing & Rehabilitation, L.P.
Pecan Manor Nursing & Rehabilitation, L.P.

413 East Mansfield Cardinal Road
Kennedale, Texas 76060
Phone: (817) 561-4495
Fax: (817) 561-6033

Pecan Manor Nursing & Rehabilitation is licensed to care for 58 residents. The facility is certified to accept Medicare and Medicaid, Private Pay, and Insurance residents.

We are proud to offer the following services:
- Skilled Nursing
- Long Term Care
- Hospice Care
- Respite Care
- Dementia Care
- Wound Care
- Ostomy Care
- Recreational Activities
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Respiratory Therapy
- Speech Therapy

Pecan Manor Nursing & Rehabilitation provides the highest quality of service to individuals who need assistance. We strive to promote the well-being and quality of life of each resident.

Please stop by for a tour and visit with us.

2002-2006 Daybreak Venture, L.L.C. All rights reserved.
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